Tässä vielä nämä sitkeät syöpämyytit copy-pastattuina tännekin - syöpä on monen kohtalo ja sillä on paljon muitakin kuin "vain" terveyteen liittyviä vaikutuksia potilaisiin niin rikkaissa kuin köyhissäkin maissa, mutta se ei hyvien hoitojen ansiosta onneksi ole enää läheskään kaikissa tapauksissa kuolemantuomio:
Cancer Myths
World Cancer Day is a chance to raise our collective voices in the name of improving general knowledge around cancer and dismissing misconceptions about the disease. From a global level, we will be focusing our messaging on four myths. Learn the truth and supporting evidence, by clicking on the myths below.
Myth 1: Cancer is just a health issue
- Truth: Cancer is not just a health issue. It has wide-reaching social, economic, development, and human rights implications.
Myth 2: Cancer is a disease of the wealthy, elderly and developed countries
- Truth: Cancer is a global epidemic. It affects all ages and socio-economic groups, with developing countries bearing a disproportionate burden.
Myth 3: Cancer is a death sentence
- Truth: Many cancers that were once considered a death sentence can now be cured and for many more people, their cancer can be treated effectively.
Myth 4: Cancer is my fate
- Truth: With the right strategies, a third of the most common cancers can be prevented.
Tiistaikin on toivoa täynnä, onhan? Vaikka välillä kaikki meneekin ihan pieleen, on toivoa kuitenkin niin kauan, kuin on elämää.
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